Ordering Before and After Photos

If you would like before and after photographs, feel free to write me. My account name is cosmeticsurgeryphotos. It's a gmail account.

Send me:
  • A description of what you would like me to do to the photos
  • Tips/requirements for photographs
    • Send high resolution photograph(s) 
    • A photograph taken from a real camera is preferable over one taken with a cell phone
    • Pull your hair back for the photograph (even if it's a profile photograph) 
    • If you send a profile photograph, please take the photo against a solid, blank background (like a wall)
    • Do not smile
    • Take the photograph it in good light and avoid harsh shadows
    • Look straight at the camera (do not tilt head up or down)
    • If you are taking it with a real camera, read this to see how lenses can distort the fact (https://media.giphy.com/media/l2JJu55Y2LSvkbBqo/giphy.gif)
    • Its is preferable to have someone else take the photo who's standing maybe 7 or 8 feet away. The photo will be a better representation of how you truly look.
I will reply with:
  • a quote for the cost (perhaps around $40 or more, depending on what you want done)
  • a link to my PayPal account
If I don't have the skill to do what you are asking for, I will reply to tell you so and then delete all your emails from my inbox.

After I receive payment, I will send you:
  • A description of what I did to your photograph
  • Your photograph in a before and after format
  • Answers to any questions you might have
Finally, what Photoshop can accomplish and what a surgeon can accomplish may not be one and the same. So the purpose of the photographs is so that you can take them to a surgeon to give him/her an idea of what you are trying to accomplish.

Examples of the type of work I can do:

Chin Reduction (Chin Reshaping) 

Jennifer Aniston

Reese Witherspoon

Chin Reduction, Hairline Raising and Rhinoplasty

Tori Spelling

Jaw Reduction and Rhinoplasty

Paris Hilton

Hairline Lowering or Changes

Vanessa Williams

Bill Clinton

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