Friday, November 7, 2014

Khloe Kardashian with Less Chin

So if you compare Khloe Kardashian's face to the Marquardt beauty mask, she has too much chin (like Kylie Jennier used to have) and her nose is wide, short and crooked. So I messed with her face to see how she'd look with less chin. Here are the results... It's strange how having a smaller chin makes her lips look bigger.


  1. chin is very important. and her new face is more feminine.

  2. Hi I would live to pay you to do an analysis for me, may I have your email?

    1. Sure. Just send me your email address. I will reply to you but will NOT post the message on this site. Posts are moderated on this site, so any message that you see here goes directlIy to my inbox first. So write me and I will send you my email address. I've done this before. I will keep our email address private.

    2. Also, for anyone else who many see this... if you say you will send me a couple of bucks to do a photo I will say no thank you.

  3. I think you overdid the nose and chin a little. She looks like a doll. yes more feminine... But maybe less pretty?

  4. I think I agree with your point about the nose, but like the chin. Maybe I will try again but eyeball it istead of using the beauty mask as a guide.

  5. Hey! If I sent you a picture of me would you tell me what do I need to fix? Thanks!

    1. I am really impressed with your abilities. Where can I send you my picture so you can do a chin reduction ?

  6. Hey! Looks fun! Can you fix me up? :-D

  7. Hi.
    Sorry to ask.. could you photoshop a chin reduction on me pweeeeeeease?

  8. The answers to your questions are here:
