Dr. Z


I had doubts about posting these images. I was very disappointed in how they turned out and worried that people would write and complain I was posting their photos on my site. But honestly, the photos are a morph. It's just that a LOT of this doctor's patients have the same look. I mean, they just do.  So if you look at these photos and say, "Hey, that looks just like me" it's because there are at least 11 other patients walking the streets that also look like you. It's sort of how people with Down Syndrome or Crouzon Syndrome look related in a way. That said, I want to say that some of this doctor's patients DO look quite nice, it's just that on the whole you can see they have the same look.

Garbage In - Garbage Out

The front morphs were created from 12 before and after photos. The side ones were created from even less. They look bad for a number of reasons. But basically, it's extremely difficult to get good comparison photos of this doctor's patients. Even on the doctor's site, the before and after images are crap. Why crap?
  • The before and after photos are taken from different angles. Seriously.
  • In the before and after photos, the patients often have hair or whatever covering their their hairlines, their foreheads, sides of their faces, etc.... If we are trying to look at jaw lines, it does us no good to have hair covering them up. And if we want to look at brow bossing, why the bangs?
  • Low resolution
  • Horrible lighting
  • More make up than Tammy Faye Baker. It's like a '80s "Glamour Shots" portfolio with all the make-up and posing.

Deer In The Headlights

When I started this morphing thing I wondered if the differences between a surgeon's artistic sense would show, overall, in morphs of patient photos. The answer seems to be yes.

These  patients have a look that screams "bad plastic surgery." I say this because their is a connection between where eyebrows appear on the face and the human skull. It's not random. This explains why eyebrows on the flat part of the forehead look weird. There are surgeons who fix this specific problem.

In the photo below, the after patient's eyebrows are pretty high, but it is a composite of 12 photos. In about 7 of these photos, the patients' eyebrows are so high there's enough room to fit a second eyeball and eyelid above their eyes but below their eyebrows. In fact, I had to add more points to the morphs to work with this doctor's photos.

That said, the patients with the normal eyebrows do look quite nice, and some of the "somewhat high" eyebrows look nice too. But the "super high" ones  look freaky. I'm not sure the patients with the more normal brows had work done more recently, and the doctor is moving away from the over done look, or if the patients just asked for a natural look.

Pigged  Noses

In all honesty, I cannot be completely impartial about pig snouts because they repulse me. When I can see up someone's nose when looking straight at them it makes me cringe. I just look away. But this doctor leaves a lot of nostril showing, as obvious below.

Also I never thought of this but I think there must be a ratio between the width of the tip of a person's nose and the overall nose, because in the "after" image below, something looks off. It's like the tip was narrowed, but it just makes the nostrils look larger. When I look at the photo below, the "after" nose looks bigger to me than the "before" nose.

Finally, in the profile shot below it's pretty obvious that this doctor likes the juvenile look, because the nose in the after image is so turned up it looks like it belongs on a kid (a kid making the surprised look).

Positive Comments to Even Out All the Criticism

I really like the lips in profile in the "after" image and the new foreheads do look excellent.


  1. You've gotta be at least a little bit insane to go to Dr. Zukowski.

  2. I understand why you would say that.
