Friday, July 20, 2012

Ode to Straight Noses - Part 2

In an earlier post I asked why the world of FFS is gaga about scooped noses when this concept (scooped is the ideal) only seems to exist among FFS doctors and their patients. So here are more examples of straight noses.

Elizabeth Taylor

Louise Brooks (I know, not the normal profile shot but I just happened to come across it on accident)

Audrey Hepburn (Not classically straight, but definitely not scooped either. More convex, actually.)
 Also, you might be asking... where are all the scooped noses? I have photographs of beautiful profiles on famous women, but why am I leaving out the scooped ones? Well, like I've mentioned before... scooped notices are, historically, not considered an attractive feature. That is why Angelina Jolie had hers fixed. But to be fair, I've included one. Julie Andrews' nose is scooped. Granted, she did not accomplish what she has by her looks. But I've included her still.. And I straightened her nose a bit while I was at it.

Julie Andrews (The 'before' shot is her natural nose... the 'after' shot is my doing. Which looks better?)


  1. her natural nose is much nicer

  2. Her nose without retouch is "practically perfect in every way"! I think it's one of her most adorable trademarks! Her nose!

  3. The straighter nose is prettier of course, but her silly nose was a trademark of hers.
