Saturday, July 14, 2012

Reese Witherspoon #2 - Forehead Reduction

I was looking at my earlier photo of her in which I had given her a chin reduction and thought... if she were to get facial feminization surgery, she would probably also get a forehead reduction as well. So I gave her one (in addition to the chin work).

I didn't change her forehead to match any concept of ideal facial proportions though. I just eyeballed it. It could be a little to short, perhaps.


  1. What "disturbs" me in Reese Witherspoon, besides her chin, is not much her forehead but her nose, large at the bottom with a somewhat droopy tip.

  2. Too funny. You are right though. Her nose looks like an arrow.

  3. Her chin really needs a reduction.
    Good work.

  4. what disturbs me is that you guys are such wierdos talking about her
    foreead and nose and chin as if your vision of aesthetics is accurate.
    Whats even more disturbing is that teenagers and adults are forced
    to listen to these types of ideals from people like you and from
    watching people selected on tv as if thats the most beautiful people
    when i see much more beautiful people everyday who arent in the media.
    I bet you guys look like "shi* yourself, by the way, and reece witherspoon
    is actually amazing looking.

  5. I'm comparing her to existing standards. We're not making up our own standards. I don't think I've ever eyeballed someone, actually. So it's not MY "vision of aesthetics".

    There are two main standards that I'm aware of. The beauty mask one and golden ratio. The beauty mask is new, and is based on the golden ratio, and the golden ratio is extremely old. Phidias, who invented it, was born in 432 BC.

    What does this have to do with Hollywood, TV, etcetera? Nothing. I've seen more beautiful people on the train than I have ever seen in Hollywood. I just use Hollywood faces because I can. I'm not promoting their culture. That's for sure.

    As for what I'm doing... if you read my blog you would know that I don't actually agree with what the surgeons do. I think they are kind of ridiculous with their preconceived notions of feminity that are based on false data and assumptions.

    And what we look like is irrelevant. The point of this blog isn't to say how ugly people are to make ourselves feel better about ourselves. It's about NOT getting caught up with the flavor of the day that surgeons and our culture invent. Lisa Rinna's lips, '60s rhinoplasty, asses that do not exist in nature, 750 cc breast implants... all ridiculous. So think what you want. But I'm not basing my information on the last 5 years of TV or internet. I'm basing it on what the art world has thought for 2400 years.

  6. God that picture makes her look so ugly she definitely needs that witch chin done and that forehead and nose , yuck, she needs FFS for sure!
