Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Facial Proportions - Tori Spelling with a Higher Hairline and Slimmer Nose

In my last post about facial proportions, in which I Photoshopped Tori Spelling to show what FFS doctors might do to her if they got a hold of her, I did not change two things:
  1. I stopped short of raising her hairline because FFS doctors would never do such a thing. The common belief (or mistake?) is "the lower the better" and that high hairlines are masculine. So in the photo of her, her facial proportions were not quite in tune with Leonardo da Vinci's guidelines (that the face is divided into thirds).
  2. Also, although I made her nose more symmetrical, I did not make her nose narrower. In art class, it is often taught that the outer edges of the nose line up with the inner edges of the eyes. I'm not sure if that holds true for all ethnicities, but there are other guidelines out there as well. This is jut one of them.
So, although FFS doctors would never raise a hairline, here she is... Tori Spelling with the changes I made to her in an earlier post, and Tori with a taller forehead and narrower nose.

Approximate facial proportions in the "before" and "after" photos.

Before After
Top Third 30% 33%
Middle Third 35% 33%
Lower Third 35% 33%

Do you think the higher forehead makes her look more masculine?

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