Thursday, November 22, 2012

Which is More Important for a Feminine Chin? Length or Shape? - Heidi Montag's Flat, Broad Chin

Not to speak ill of the dead, but I think that Montag's surgeon could have done better when he reduced her chin. Although her original chin was long, it was rounded, as shown below. But after her chin reduction surgery, the shape was squarer and wider, as if the bottom had simply been sawed off. Good FFS surgeons would never do this intentionally since their goal is to make their patients' faces more feminine, not masculine.

But the question I posed was... which is more important in feminizing a chin? Length or shape? I am guessing shape is, because in the 1st photograph below, she's had her nose done, but still has her old chin. But in the before and after photographs, I changed her chin to make it pointier (more feminine), but also made it longer (not as long as her original chin, but definitely longer). The end result? I think the more feminine shape completely trumps the more masculine length and, as a result, she looks more feminine. 

New nose with original chin (longish but rounded)
Before and after photos showing a longer chin but with a better, more feminine shape. This is what she would have looked like if her doctor had retained the shape of her chin, yet shortened it.


  1. Hi great post!
    You're right. The pointy but slightly longer chin definitely makes heidi look better. What do you think about the size/shape of the jawline? Do you think square jaws are masculine if the chin is feminine ? I'm considering jaw reduction surgery. Would love to hear your opinion. Thanks ^_^

  2. How kind of you to say =) Thank you. Jawlines are really interesting. At least to me they are. Maybe I will do my next post on jawlines. But to answer your question, I do think that a feminine chin can help cancel out a square jaw. I guess it boils down to balance though. I've seen nice jawlines ruined to make them more 'feminine' and thought, "That's an improvement?"

    Also, it is a matter of taste, too. I know two men who dislike Angelina Jolie's face specifically because of her huge jaw. Seriously! They both say things like, "I don't know WHY people find her beautiful. That face is NOT attractive." I've heard both of them describe her as 'scary' and they don't even know each other.

    I will post though instead of writing in comments. Then I can add photos :)
