Saturday, December 22, 2012

Ode to Straight Noses - Part 4

Yes, more straight noses.... If your FFS doctor tries to convince you that in order to pass or be beautiful, your nose needs to have a scooped bridge and be turned up like a pig snout (ok, my words, not theirs), remember these lovely women and their straight noses.

Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth

It's also worth mentioning that this hairline on Rita Hayworth is not natural. It was created through electrolysis. Her original hairline was lower in the corners. So in order to make her more attractive they gave her a hairline that FFS doctors would consider more masculine, but it worked.

Lucille Ball (She started out as a model and showgirl before doing comedy)

More Lucille Ball

Alicia Keys' great profile (she may look even better than she does from the front) and perfectly straight nose

Liv Tyler and her straight nose


  1. Alicia Keys did have a nose job to reach that "perfection."

  2. So what if Alicia Keys had surgery to achieve her nose? No one complains when Kim Kardashian does it.

  3. I don't think it's a complaint. I think it's more like an FYI.

  4. hi, you have a really interesting blog, and it's difficult to find someone who really notice the differences between masculine /feminine features on a woman. can you tell me what kylie jenner has had done because she looks great!

  5. Thanks for the kind words. Regarding Kylie... Oh my god. What hole have I been living in? She is not even recognizable. Her lips and her chin, definitely. I have to search for photos that are comparable though so I can do a side by side. I will do that and post something if I can find good pics. In the mean time, this has got me thinking. What would the large sister look like if she fixed her chin? I may post something soon.
