Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jennifer Aniston without George Clooney's chin

George Clooney and his very masculine chin

Ever wonder how Jennifer Aniston would look without that chin? Me too. I've even checked out photos of her parents. Neither one of them has it. Anyway, below is the by-product of my curiosity... more before and after photos. Notice that in the "after" photo, her chin is:
  • shorter
  • pointier
  • an extension of her jawline instead of a protrusion from it
I think she's unrecognizable.Maybe I should have made it longer.

Jennifer Aniston "before" Photoshop surgery (with her natural, masculine-shaped, square, long chin) and "after" (with a pointier, shorter, more feminine chin)

Do I think this makes her face more feminine? Yes, I do. If she were my friend, I'd consider her my "pretty" friend, whereas before she would have been my friend with the good body and great legs.


  1. The imperfections can make the face individual & a little more interesting.

    The chin/jawline doesn't seem especially masculine to me, looking at the face as a whole. Prob. b/c it's balanced out by feminine eyes, cheeks etc. The chin also adds interest to quite a broad face.

    Enjoyed your blog, btw. :)

  2. I hate her chin and I don't even find her that pretty at all , she's average for sure !
